Wednesday, December 10, 2014
“Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Chances are you’ve heard of meditation before, but do you really understand what it is?
It seems that a lot of people have this set image of what meditation should be in their minds… That you have to sit in complete silence with your legs crossed, arms on the knees, hands out with palms facing upward with your pointer finger and thumb touching as you stare at the back of your eye lids until some prophetic message comes to you.
I’m not here to tell you that specific technique is wrong, I’m here to tell you that the image of expectancy you have for the experience should be dropped if you wish to truly experience a blissful and worry free moment that is meditation.
Simply put in my own terms, meditation is relinquishing the need to control a moment. It is about accepting everything as it is, and finding inner peace in the moment. It is about the shifting of one’s awareness to a new state.
Meditation has countless benefits ranging from physical to emotional, and of course spiritual. With the belief in yourself and your thoughts, and the awareness that you manifest your own reality you literally have the universe at your fingertips during mediation.
You can manifest the life you desire with the right amount of love and belief; and this isn’t magic I’m talking about… It’s physics. The law of attraction clearly states that you attract what you think about; and since the reality you perceive consists of your thoughts, you are living in the reality that you built for yourself… This is something that many people struggle to realize, and can’t quite grasp.
But if you don’t believe it and need proof, look at your own life. Have bad things happened to you? Sure. But ask yourself, is that only because you consider them bad? If you took away the adjective ‘bad’ what are you left with? Things have happened to you. Neither good or bad. It is the thought association with these situations we create in our minds that shape our perspective and due to the law of attraction, our ensuing reality.
By looking at everything that’s happened to us as holding us back, we’re creating excuses to stay stagnant in life instead of progressing. As a society we’re portraying ourselves as victims because we find it easier than accepting that we brought this upon ourselves through our subconscious thought patterns. Through meditation one can disassociate themselves from the labels society loves to put on things and break free from social conditioning.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Expectations limit the potentiality of an event for you’re only paying awareness to a specific outcome; which according the the law of attraction, will be the outcome that manifests… This applies to everything, even meditation.
It’s quite ironic, how the single most profound form of emptiness has taken on such substance. Everyone wants to be a guru, and everyone wants to tell you how to do it right. Well my friends, there is no wrong or right; there only is… and it is whatever you make of it.
Myself, I like to leave labels out of situations entirely. For that creates a mental image of what that thing is to me as opposed to what it really is, hence limiting the potentiality said situation has of changing from my perspective because I already see it as something else.
Inner peace doesn’t always mean silencing that inner voice… Because if it’s saying something, you’d be wise to listen. Your every thought that runs through your mind is there for a reason; most of which we aren’t even aware of. But I assure you, everything that makes itself known to you is being manifested into your life for a reason.
That being said, thoughts need not be silenced nor ignored; but rather embraced and paid awareness to…. Take heed though, there is a difference between paying awareness to thoughts and feeding them. Feeding a thought is when you dwell on it and continue to justify reasons why it’s right or wrong.
Paying awareness is when you do not associate with the thought as coming from the physical self, but rather the influence the thought has in terms of progressing the specific perspective of one of many fractals of the source that is consciousness.
In Layman’s terms; instead of focusing on what the content of the thought may be, focus on the reason why the thought has made itself known at this particular moment in time.
I think one of people’s favorite things to say to me when they don’t get the results that they wanted out of mediation is “I think I’m doing it wrong,” or “I just can’t figure out how to do it right.”
Once again, there is no wrong or right… So you’re not doing as bad as you think you are. Once the mental image of what it should be is released, you will be able to do the same exact routine only with a more evolved understanding of it which allows you to get more out of the experience.
Everything comes to us exactly when we need it, so there is no need to judge or look down upon someone who you feel doesn’t comprehend something you believe to understand. Everyone is having the experience they need at this very moment, which is exactly why everyone has different experiences with meditation.
There are countless techniques, none of which are wrong or less effective than any other. Judging someone for doing something different than you will never allow you the opportunity to see that situation through another perspective; objective thinking is critical to a more diverse understanding.
Just be. Short, sweet, and to the point right? Some people might laugh and scoff at this statement; proclaiming me just another hippie who thinks they know what they’re talking about, or some guru who thinks he knows it all… But depending on your level of awareness the two little simplest words can either have a profound effect on you, or not even resonate at all as your eyes scroll past the letters before your brain gets the chance to contemplate the meaning.
Depending on how you perceive things, your ideal meditation might be one of many things; such as listening to music, playing your favorite sport, performing on stage, doing yoga, or the traditional sitting alone in a dark silent room. There are countless ways to meditate, you just have to pick one and go into the experience with the mindset that whatever comes up in this moment is essential to your growth and development as a soul.
Details from: The Divine Society
Thanks & Regards,
S.Garce Paul Regan
Saturday, December 6, 2014
We Attract !
It simply states that we attract whatever we think about, good or bad.
Oprah is a fan of the law and devoted an episode of her show to how it could change lives.
Whether or not you believe in the power of the universe, there is scientific research that proves the effects of positive thinking.
Here are the 12 most compelling elements of The Law Of Attraction
2.Thinking about something means you invite it in, even if you don't want it.
3.The more you focus on something, the more powerful it becomes.
4.It's better to trust your emotions than over-think a decision.
5.You can make good things happen more quickly by thinking about them more.
6.To make a change, you've got to see things as you hope them to be, not as they are.
7.Spend 15 minutes every day thinking hard about your goals, dreams and what you want from life, it will increase your chance for success.
8.Success isn't a finite resource; everyone can have it.
9.Don't allow yourself to wallow in disappointment.
10.Avoid TV shows that deal with negative experiences like crime or illness.
11.Know that your relationships with people are bad because you made them that way.
12.Don't worry about what you're dreaming; instead use your dreams as a guide.
Oprah is a fan of the law and devoted an episode of her show to how it could change lives.
Whether or not you believe in the power of the universe, there is scientific research that proves the effects of positive thinking.
Here are the 12 most compelling elements of The Law Of Attraction
1.You attract good or bad experiences based on your thoughts.
2.Thinking about something means you invite it in, even if you don't want it.
3.The more you focus on something, the more powerful it becomes.
4.It's better to trust your emotions than over-think a decision.
5.You can make good things happen more quickly by thinking about them more.
6.To make a change, you've got to see things as you hope them to be, not as they are.
7.Spend 15 minutes every day thinking hard about your goals, dreams and what you want from life, it will increase your chance for success.
8.Success isn't a finite resource; everyone can have it.
9.Don't allow yourself to wallow in disappointment.
10.Avoid TV shows that deal with negative experiences like crime or illness.
11.Know that your relationships with people are bad because you made them that way.
12.Don't worry about what you're dreaming; instead use your dreams as a guide.
Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Build a Strong Relationship
Relationship plays a major role in our life. It is often said that the quality of our life is determined by the quality of our relationship.
Here are 10 ways to create true intimacy, find pure love, and be truly happy in your relationship:
1. Use relationships to teach you how to be whole within.
Relationships aren’t about having another person complete you, but coming to the relationship whole and sharing your life interdependently. By letting go of the romantic ideal of merging and becoming “one,” you learn to love the distances in relationship as much as the togetherness.
2. See your partner for who he or she really is.
The romantic tragedy occurs when you view the person you are in love with as a symbol of what they have come to represent, the idea of them. When you realize that more often than not you don’t really know your partner, you begin to discover who they are and how they change and evolve.
3. Be willing to learn from each other.
The key is to see the other as a mirror and learn from the reflection how you can be a better person. When you feel upset, rather than blame your partner and point fingers, remain awake to what has yet to be healed in yourself.
4. Get comfortable being alone.
In order to accept that love can’t rescue you from being alone, learn to spend time being with yourself. By feeling safe and secure to be on your own within the framework of relationship, you will feel more complete, happy, and whole. Living in solitude is an art learn it and practice it you will start to love it.
5. Look closely at why a fight may begin.
Some couples create separateness by fighting and then making up over and over again. This allows you to continue the romantic trance, creating drama and avoiding real intimacy. If you become aware of what you fear about intimacy, you’ll have a better sense of why you’re fighting—and likely will fight far less.
6. Own who you are.
We generally grasp at romantic love because we’re yearning for something that is out of reach, something in another person that we don’t think we possess in ourselves. Unfortunately, when we finally get love, we discover that we didn't get what we were looking for.
True love only exists by loving yourself first. You can only get from another person what you’re willing to give yourself. The love that comes from external is still an external feeling that you need to reach out to.
7. Embrace ordinariness.
After the fairy-dust start of a relationship ends, we discover ordinariness, and we often do everything we can to avoid it. The trick is to see that ordinariness can become the real “juice” of intimacy. The day-to-day loveliness of sharing life with a partner can, and does, become extraordinary.
8. Expand your heart.
One thing that unites us is that we all long to be happy. This happiness usually includes the desire to be close to someone in a loving way. To create real intimacy, get in touch with the spaciousness of your heart and bring awareness to what is good within you.
It’s easier to recognize the good in your partner when you’re connected to the good in yourself.
9. Focus on giving love.
Genuine happiness is not about feeling good about ourselves because other people love us; it’s more about how well we have loved ourselves and others. The unintentional outcome of loving others more deeply is that we are loved more deeply.
10. Let go of expectations.
You may look to things such as romance and constant togetherness to fill a void in yourself. This will immediately cause suffering. If you unconsciously expect to receive love in certain ways to avoid giving that love to yourself, you will put your sense of security in someone else.
Draw upon your own inner-resources to offer love, attention, and nurturance to yourself when you need it. Then you can let love come to you instead of putting expectations on what it needs to look like.
Have a wonderful day!
Here are 10 ways to create true intimacy, find pure love, and be truly happy in your relationship:
1. Use relationships to teach you how to be whole within.
Relationships aren’t about having another person complete you, but coming to the relationship whole and sharing your life interdependently. By letting go of the romantic ideal of merging and becoming “one,” you learn to love the distances in relationship as much as the togetherness.
2. See your partner for who he or she really is.
The romantic tragedy occurs when you view the person you are in love with as a symbol of what they have come to represent, the idea of them. When you realize that more often than not you don’t really know your partner, you begin to discover who they are and how they change and evolve.
3. Be willing to learn from each other.
The key is to see the other as a mirror and learn from the reflection how you can be a better person. When you feel upset, rather than blame your partner and point fingers, remain awake to what has yet to be healed in yourself.
4. Get comfortable being alone.
In order to accept that love can’t rescue you from being alone, learn to spend time being with yourself. By feeling safe and secure to be on your own within the framework of relationship, you will feel more complete, happy, and whole. Living in solitude is an art learn it and practice it you will start to love it.
5. Look closely at why a fight may begin.
Some couples create separateness by fighting and then making up over and over again. This allows you to continue the romantic trance, creating drama and avoiding real intimacy. If you become aware of what you fear about intimacy, you’ll have a better sense of why you’re fighting—and likely will fight far less.
6. Own who you are.
We generally grasp at romantic love because we’re yearning for something that is out of reach, something in another person that we don’t think we possess in ourselves. Unfortunately, when we finally get love, we discover that we didn't get what we were looking for.
True love only exists by loving yourself first. You can only get from another person what you’re willing to give yourself. The love that comes from external is still an external feeling that you need to reach out to.
7. Embrace ordinariness.
After the fairy-dust start of a relationship ends, we discover ordinariness, and we often do everything we can to avoid it. The trick is to see that ordinariness can become the real “juice” of intimacy. The day-to-day loveliness of sharing life with a partner can, and does, become extraordinary.
8. Expand your heart.
One thing that unites us is that we all long to be happy. This happiness usually includes the desire to be close to someone in a loving way. To create real intimacy, get in touch with the spaciousness of your heart and bring awareness to what is good within you.
It’s easier to recognize the good in your partner when you’re connected to the good in yourself.
9. Focus on giving love.
Genuine happiness is not about feeling good about ourselves because other people love us; it’s more about how well we have loved ourselves and others. The unintentional outcome of loving others more deeply is that we are loved more deeply.
10. Let go of expectations.
You may look to things such as romance and constant togetherness to fill a void in yourself. This will immediately cause suffering. If you unconsciously expect to receive love in certain ways to avoid giving that love to yourself, you will put your sense of security in someone else.
Draw upon your own inner-resources to offer love, attention, and nurturance to yourself when you need it. Then you can let love come to you instead of putting expectations on what it needs to look like.
Have a wonderful day!
I have drafted the above post from various ideas discussed over by different web sites.
Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan
Monday, August 4, 2014
An Interview With God
Simple Facts which has got deep meaning about Human Life !
Man: What surprises you most about human kind.
God: That they get bored with childhood they rush to grow up and then long to be children again.
That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health.
That by thinking anxiously about the future they forget the present such that they live in neither the present nor the future.
They live as if they will never die and die as though they had never lived.
Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan.
Man: What surprises you most about human kind.
God: That they get bored with childhood they rush to grow up and then long to be children again.
That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health.
That by thinking anxiously about the future they forget the present such that they live in neither the present nor the future.
They live as if they will never die and die as though they had never lived.
Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Seven Brilliant Quotes From Famous people - Can Brighten Your Day


“I am thankful to all those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I did it myself.” – Einstein
“If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world.” – Abraham Lincoln
“We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King
“It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone.” – Dr Abdul Kalaam
Live Creative !
Put the below thoughts in to your sub-conscious mind by reading and imaging the below quotes when ever you get some time, You will not know when these simple quotes have influenced you to do great things.
What is a life without creativity?
I believe a life free from creativity is a life free from joy. Our creativity is the essence of who we are. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to the world to feed from our personal well of inventiveness and imagination. But what can you do when your inner person stand against you? (you against you)
Here are 24 creativity quotes that may bring your inner person out to play.
What is a life without creativity?
I believe a life free from creativity is a life free from joy. Our creativity is the essence of who we are. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to the world to feed from our personal well of inventiveness and imagination. But what can you do when your inner person stand against you? (you against you)
Here are 24 creativity quotes that may bring your inner person out to play.
- “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense” – Pablo Picasso
- “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try” – Dr. Seuss
- “True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found” – Eckhart Tolle
- “Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it” – Dee Hock
- “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney
- “Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up” – Pablo Picasso
- “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?” – George Bernard Shaw
- “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” – Scott Adams
- There is no use trying,” said Alice. “One can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” – Lewis Carroll
- “If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh
- “Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” – Salvador Dali
- “Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts” – Rita Mae Brown
- “Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett
- “The world is but a canvas to the imagination.” — Henry David Thoreau
- “Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things” – Ray Bradbury
- “We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own and other people’s models, learn to be ourselves and allow our natural channel to open.” — Shakti Gawain
- “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will” – George Bernard Shaw
- “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” — Maya Angelou
- “The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.” — John Maynard Keynes
- “From 30,000 feet, creating looks like art. From ground level, it’s a to-do list” – Ben Arment
- “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working” – Pablo Picasso
- “You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star” – Nietzsche
- “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources” – Albert Einstein
- “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” – Osho
- So live life a little more today, dance, sing, play and love. See the beauty in life and you will bring out the beauty from within.
Cheers !
S.Grace Paul Regan
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