
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Being Alone (The Depth Of True Happiness)

For some, this is the most frightening idea: being alone forever. It doesn’t need to be.

Most of our choices lead to a “good” or “bad” stimulus or feeling. True happiness is the gem because happiness is the self-generated endless source of wonderful, pure, amazing “good” stimulus or feeling. True happiness is the realization that nothing outside of yourself can bring you down or bring you up.

If You have mastered forgiveness, temperance, humility, and all of the virtues then you have mastered understanding yourself. Since this is something difficult to attain, most of us can at least catch a glimpse of true happiness now and then. I propose that a short-cut to this is learning to be happy in solitude "Being Alone"
Having a close touch with the spiritual teaching which describes how a good human to be characterized that principles he/she has to follow religiously be the spiritual human.

There exists a notion: we need others to be happy

This is not true. Other people are yet another source of something outside of ourselves to use as a crutch for the immediate “good” feeling.

"True happiness is the in-depth sensible feeling that, even if we strip
away everything in our world (Money, Wealth, Job .. every single thing
you thing you own), Still having an endless source of “good” feeling,
will, and love inside ourselves".

Once our society reaches this spiritual level, we will become much more productive. So much of our time is spent
on the notion: “we need others to be happy.”

So should we all isolate ourselves? No. If we could all have this epiphany at some point in our life, this would be most ideal. Allow me to create this world:

When You reach this in-depth feeling: I do not need anybody else;
I have found true happiness.

You may choose to be alone the rest of your life feeling that you may achieve greater things this way. You may choose to live amongst a group of friends whom you admire and trust. You feel they will help you achieve great things. You may also choose one other mate, who possesses characteristics and qualities you admire. You choose to fully give your inner source of true happiness, motivation, and love to this one other person in the form of “devotion”. You choose to procreate with this person not only because of all the aforementioned, but because you believe that your children will be able to achieve greatness, as well. It is important to only give “devotion” to one other person. Naturally, by choosing more than one person, you will inevitably cause somebody to suffer. This is why it is important to have the in-depth sensible feeling, so that you do not rely on another person for any “good” stimulus, because ultimately that person will fail in giving it to you. Only you have this endless source of true happiness for yourself. You may not ever be “devoted” to one other person, as you do not feel that anybody meets your specific threshold that you have set for such a person. If you had the in-depth sensible feeling of true happiness, this would not bother you.

Depending on who you meet in your life, you may have the luxury of many high quality trustworthy friends, and even find a person to “devote” yourself to. This is all a matter of circumstance. You may not meet anybody of quality or integrity. Yet, either way, you still have unlimited happiness inside yourself. If you do not meet anybody, this is obviously more challenging. However, this is most certainly a challenge that you can overcome.

Hence being alone and still feeling as the happiest person in this world without any of your loved processions is what the real transformation that has come upon you and that is the depth of true happiness.
My dear friends do not feel bad for being alone; it’s really a precious time any human can get these days. If you are fortunate enough to get such time to be alone take the advantage of transforming yourself to get the eternal happiness.

Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan